Annual Reports of Observatories
eConf (High-Energy Physics and related fields)
International Symposium on Space THz Technology Proceedings
Journal of Physics Conference Series
MPA Proceedings (Max-Planck-Institute for Astrophysics)
APM Cat ***SuperCOSMOS Sky Surveys (SSS) (Royal Observatory, Edinburgh
Apparent Places of Fundamental Stars
APS POSS I Catalogs (MAPS)
Automated Plate Scanner Group, Palomar Observatory Sky Survey I)
Astronomer's Bazaar is the CDS service for astronomical catalogs.
Digitized Sky Survey (STScI): Phase ***Phase II
GCVS(General Catalogue of Variable Stars)
Hipparcos/Tycho Catalogues
Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues at ESA
LAMBDA Data Products (Legacy Archive for Micro Background Data Analysis). Includes WMAP, COBE, Relikt, IRAS, and SWAS.
MASTMultimission Archive at STScI) supports a variety of astronomical data archives
National Virtual Observatory Data from space-based and ground-based surveys combined into a standardized data archive
Open Clusters and Galactic Structure Catalog of Optically Visible Open Clusters and Candidates
Selected Astronomical Catalogs Catalogs available: The Third Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies ** A Catalogue of Rich Clusters of Galaxies ** A Southern Galaxy Catalogue ** A South-Equatorial Galaxy Catalogue
Sloan Digital Sky Survey The survey maps in detail one-quarter of the entire sky. It determines positions and absolute brightnesses of millions of celestial objects as well as measures distances to galaxies and quasars.
Spitzer Data Archives/Analysis
Astronomical Almanac extends the printed version by providing data best presented in machine-readable form.
Ephemeris list of ephemeris.
Sun or Moon Altitude/Azimuth Table for One Day
U.S. Naval Observatory Astronomical Applications - Data Services
AAO Photos (Anglo-Australian Observatory)
Astronomy Picture of the Day (NASA)
Astrophysics Visualization Archive -- movies
HST Pictures Gallery (Hubble Space Telescope)
NIX (NASA Image Exchange)
NOAO Image Gallery (National Optical Astronomy Observations)
NSSDC Photo Gallery (National Space Science Data Center)
ADS (NASA Astrophysics Data System)
ARIBIB (Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts). No password required for SO specified IP addresses.
CDS Bibliographic Service searches all of the following at once or individually: Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A) *** Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series (A&AS) *** New Astronomy *** PASP *** and others.
HEASARC (High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center)
IngentaConnect gives citations to published articles.
If you are an employee of the UofA, take your citation to the Main Library Information Desk (instead of ordering on-line), to acquire an article at no charge.
NED (NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database)
SIMBAD (Set of Identifications, Measurements, and Bibliography for Astronomical Data) or SAO mirror site. No password required for SO specified IP addresses.
Web of Science includes the Science Citation Index from 1990 to present for UofA IP addresses.